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We need your support for KidsExcel 2022!

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KidsExcel is a sports and academic enrichment programme, comprising weekly sessions held over the year.


Partnering primary schools and social agencies, each year we support 300 children from financially disadvantaged backgrounds. Through regular, consistent engagement, we hope to achieve sustained academic and behavioural progress in our children.


KidsExcel aims to develop resilient, confident children with positive learning attitudes.

Over the course of the year, each child receives:


Weekly Academic Programmes:
English, Math and/or Science (1.5 hrs per lesson)
(30 - 40 lessons annually, 2 x subjects)

Weekly Sports Programmes (1.5 hrs per lesson)
(80 lessons annually)

Sports Leagues:
Bi-annual community sports leagues

Digital Learning Tools:
E-resource libraries and adaptive assessments
Learning devices + Mobile Connectivity (Android tablets with mobile connectivity)

We need your support to further our work with our children. No amount is too small, and every dollar donated will strengthen our work in the community. On behalf of our children, we thank you for your generosity!


Campaign details

Date: 18th November 2021 - 31st March 2022

Target: $300,000


How to donate:




Click here to make a donation. (Page is live on 18th Nov '21)


2. Cheque


Cross cheque payable to "Catch Them Young Ltd"

Mail the cheque to: 26 Sin Ming Lane #03-118 Midview City (S) 573971

Please provide your name and contact number on the back of the cheque


3. PayNow


On your PayNow platform, key in our UEN: 201540730N. Our name: "Catch Them Young Limited" will appear.

Please indicate your name and contact details in the bill reference.


Thank You For Your Generosity!


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