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Theory of Change
The Social Gaps
Children from disadvantaged and/or underprivileged family backgrounds are more likely to start Primary 1 with weaker literacy and numeracy skills.
Stress at home can affect children greatly, they are less keen to go to school, showing difficulty in paying attention and displaying disruptive behaviour.
These children feel low morale and angry when they are placed into lower-performing classes, which can result in their lack of interest and motivation in academic pursuits.
Our Solution
Catch Them Young offers the KidsExcel programme with the aim of getting children to be more engaged, resilient and confident by helping in their academic endeavours. The programme targets primary school children from disadvantaged backgrounds (i.e. under Financial Assistance Scheme).
The year-round programme comprises the following:
Academic support modules
Sports and Sporting competitions
Life-skills classes (e.g. Coding, Drama)
Learning Journeys
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